Saturday, April 21, 2012

The left wing's IQ problem

Two recent studies show that Children with low IQ has a greater chance for being attracted to social conservative values as adults. To some this might come as a surprise while others will say: "Ok so what's next on breaking news? That water is wet?"

Here is some information on the studies:

Article on the Study of Britains

Article on the Study of Americans

The latter shows that people who define themselves as very left wing on average has 11 higher IQ than people defining themselves as very right wing. This is a significant difference.

The studies argue that the reasons for this are that conservative values are easier to understand as they have structure and order like hierachy, and the tribal sort of "them vs us" thinking.

Some of these values are based on fear of the unknown and some are simply beacuse thinking in black and white (good vs evil, them vs us) is less taxing and doesn't demand as much mental capacity as a more nuanced worldview.

Now the observant reader will ask himself: "But isn't this post called The left wing's IQ problem? How is higher than average IQ ever a problem"

Please allow me to explain.

First of all, these statistics can only be used to describe the general population of the left and right constituency. There will be a lot of anomalies and there will be very smart people on both sides of the spectrum. No doubt about that.

Having said that, the statistics still apply to the main part of the constituents.

For the right wing that means that you will have a constituency of lower than average IQ that respond more emotionally to perceived threats, have a tendency to follow the leader, and will be susceptible to believing in simple messages like "muslims are evil terrorists" or "you're either with us or against us".
These tendencies are easily exploitable. It's basically like a herd of sheep that respond very well to the shepherds rod. I don't think i need to explain this any further. It's easy to guide the herd in the direction you wish.

Now the left on the other hand with an avaragely smarter constituency will have a tendency to have more independant thoughts and will be less likely to respond well to authority. In the shepherds realm that translates into stray sheep that might be headed the same place or a slightly different spot where they reckon the grass is more juicy, and they will find paths to go there on their own and little ways to dodge the shepherds rod in order to stray from the flock.

I think that this is one  of the reasons (if not the main one) why the left sometimes seem relatively disorganised compared to the right, who usually go full steam ahead and ram the policies through one by one. It's also the reason why the right wing thrives in times of fear. The constituents are more likely to support their leadership against the "outsiders".These dangerous and strange enemies that threaten our very way of life. As in the case of the attack on the twin towers. Under these circumstances the swing voters will be more likely to go to the right as well.
The right wing in almost every western nation has gained massive ground since then as the more primitive brain centres were activated by the "muslim threat" and the lefts traditionally more complex and less xenophobic messages are harder to sell during times like this.

This, I argue, is some of the consequences of the IQ differences of the left and right. Hence the left wing's IQ problem.


  1. The "Studies" are by the leftard.

  2. If the left is so smart, how comes its leaders do so many dumbass things?
